Thursday, April 29, 2010

Week 12 Exam Review

Exam Range
Ch. 11 all sections
Ch. 15 notes
all in-class notes

Please go to the link for week 12 vocabulary review handout.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Week 12 Map Route Project

Quiz: African Architecture

Identify the following buildings and their builders (What kingdom built it?).

The first student who correctly identifies the buildings and builders will get 2 stamps on the Roll of Honour Chart. However, if you have answered the African Kingdom Map quiz, please give the chance to someone else. You may reply, but no stamp will be rewarded.

Good Luck!

Ms. Lee

Quiz: African Kingdoms

Identify the African kingdoms that are encircled in colours.

1. Purple -

2. Dark Green -

3. Brown -

4. Dark Blue -

5. Orange -

6. Pink -

7. Light Green -

8. Yellow

9. Four Black Dots -

The first person who has correctly identified the kingdoms will get 2 stamps on his/her Roll of Honour chart. However, if you have answered the post on African architecture, please give this chance to someone else. You may reply to answer, but no stamp will be rewarded.

Good luck!

Ms. Lee

Week 10 Homework

1. Complete and hand in Ch. 11 Section 3 notes by Friday April 30, 2010.

2. Complete and hand in Ch. 11 Section 4 notes by Tuesday May 4, 2010.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Week 7/8 Homework

1. Finish and hand in Ch.11 Section 1 on Tuesday April 12, 2010.

2. Finish and hand in Ch. 11 Section 2 on Friday April 23, 2010.

Enjoy your trip!